
It started off as any other relationship, happiness and what I thought was love. Hello my name is Susan, and I am a victim of domestic violence. When I was a teenager I would open myself up immediately to anyone that gave me attention. Sadly that made me a perfect target for physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. When I met my boyfriend we enjoyed conversations about life, family, friends and kids. Eventually after exchanging phone numbers we began dating. He was what appeared to be a loving, kind and respectful man and that’s all I could see. He would buy me flowers, take me out to eat and go to movies. We would do normal things together and like every couple we had our ups and downs and we argued, but after a while I began to notice a change. He wanted to know my every move. I realized I no longer had any friends, not even my best friend. He started degrading me by calling me names and talked down to me. For me I didn’t think anything of it and it gradually began to feel normal. Eventually those names turned into physical violence and it took me while but eventually I got the strength to leave.


We came to the shelter which was a scary step. I had no idea how things were going to work out, I was petrified. We stayed for a month and during that time I applied for the Transitional House at WRC. We have been here for about a year and 4 months. I have been attending Case Management meetings and counseling weekly. In the beginning I was so happy that I cried tears of joy when I first saw my studio apartment where my son and I have been living. It has not been easy but I have remained focused on reaching my goals. Since entering the program I have grown so much as a woman and a mother. I finally know who I am and what I want out of life. I no longer have low self -esteem. I am independent and I know my worth.


My counselors and case managers have been a big support system for me. They helped me figure out the steps I needed to take in order to achieve my goals so I can better myself. Staying at WRC has helped me better my life. I have grown to realize with all the necessary tools, information and therapy that has been provided to me through WRC that I can be independent. I am a strong person and better yet a strong mother.


I feel confident about my future and I know I will succeed in my life and journey after WRC. I would love to come back and volunteer for this program one day and help women who are where I have been.