Legacy Society


WRC Legacy Society Membership is extended to all who make a planned gift for our benefit or an outright gift of $5,000 or more to our Endowment Fund. Members of the Society have one thing in common: All have made a commitment to support the future of our organization and its mission. They understand the power of endowment and know the assets they leave to WRC will continue to grow, supporting extraordinary programs to “Revive Courage and Empower Lives” for generations to come.

We are excited to share a way in which you can support WRC’s endowment fund and allow the programs we offer to the public to continue and grow. Karen Bond is a Board Member of WRC and the current chair of the WRC Legacy Society. She has been gracious enough to share how and why she became a Legacy member.


Karen Bond

Private Foundation Administrator

“The WRC Legacy Society appealed to me as an opportunity to continue my passion for the care of victims of domestic violence.

I have always been intrigued by ways to make my efforts or donations to multiply, as well as heal. To know that I can continue my interests after my time here is complete seems a natural part of my estate planning.

My children know they’re loved and cared for and provided for when I’m gone.  It is important to me to have them know that we have an obligation to care for others, and that my life might make a difference. There are many ways to accomplish your continued giving and legacy building.

Including WRC in your will with a percentage of your estate is one way, protecting yourself and your heirs against the waves of our economic future.  Assigning a specific piece of property is another simple way. We are fortunate enough to have Colleen O’Harra to assist with any legal documents to include in your paperwork or will. I chose to maximize my donation through a life insurance policy. I made a designated donation to WRC for this policy this is a tax deductible gift for me now.  The longer I live, the more WRC receives after I’m gone.

It would be wonderful to see an end to domestic violence in my lifetime, but unfortunately, that does not seem possible.  So the care and support of the victims seem an ongoing need. I hope you will join me in considering the Legacy Society as a logical and natural part of your estate planning.”

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give”


Sir Winston Churchill


Providing quality, compassionate, innovative services to families affected by domestic violence and sexual assault. Through WRC’s education of future generations, victim empowerment and community awareness, we will create an environment where domestic violence are neither tolerated nor accepted. We invite you to be a part of that future!

If you are interested in becoming a member or have more questions about the Legacy Society or any other type of charitable giving please contact: Lauren Jane – Development Director
Or call her at 760-547-8803
Call Our Toll-Free 24-Hour Domestic Violence Crisis Hotline

(760) 757-3500