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Counseling services for domestic violence provide survivors powerful tools to heal and find safety. WRC’s trauma informed counseling services are available to adult, children and teen individuals who were/are in abusive relationships as well as those who experienced domestic violence as children.

If you are interested in seeking counseling or joining a group please call our crisis hotline number.

WRC Women's Counseling


WRC focuses its counseling for victims on:

  • Building self-esteem to enhance feelings of adequacy.
  • Restoring control over one’s situation, renewing hope for the future through the affirmation of the victims abilities to guide and direct their own lives.
  • Developing assertiveness.
  • Reducing feelings and patterns of isolation.
  • Assisting victims in making the abuser accountable and responsible for the violence.
  • Motivating victims to plan and implement a violence-free future for themselves and their children.
  • Learning coping strategies to deal with traumatic events.

Counselors at WRC are Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists (LMFT), Marriage and Family Trainees and Associate Marriage and Family Therapists (AMFT),  Associate Professional Clinical Counselors (APCC) or Social Work Associates and Interns. They work under the supervision of a licensed mental health care professional and confer with supervisor regarding their cases. This clinical and case supervision includes extensive training in case assessment and therapeutic techniques.


Children who have witnessed violence will react in many different ways. A large number of children report feeling guilt for causing the fights or not being able to protect the parent during the violence. This guilt can show itself in anxiety, depression, or even anger towards others. Older children may begin to self-harm or use alcohol and drugs to cope with their feelings. It is just as important to provide counseling and avenues of healing for the children as it the adults. WRC provides counseling services for children who have witnessed domestic violence in their home once they have reached the age of 5. WRC’s counseling will focus on the following areas:

  • Helping the child understand what domestic violence is in general and identifying what it looked like in their parent’s relationship.
  • Decreasing any acting out or violent behavior and strategies to control their anger.
  • Reducing their feelings of guilt and responsibility for their parent’s situation.
  • Rebuilding trust in adults and learning how to have healthy relationships.
WRC Children's Counseling


Women in Transition
WRC has a weekly support group Women In Transition that is facilitated by a volunteer whose background is in domestic violence counseling. Group counseling is often a benefit for survivors because group members reduce their feelings of isolation, learn from each other’s experiences and gain additional support from others experiencing similar events. Many group members form lasting friendships.
Call Our Toll-Free 24-Hour Domestic Violence Crisis Hotline

(760) 757-3500